In this Article


1. Podcast for Bygrandma 1 year baby food chart
2. 1 Year Old – Baby Food Chart
3. Hello Moms!
4. Milestones at 1 year
5. Tips to help wean baby from breastfeeding
5. By GrandMa 1 year baby food chart
6. Why you should avoid purees after 1 year
7. Tips to feed 1 year old baby


Podcast for Bygrandma 1 year baby food chart



1 Year Old – Baby Food Chart

Making food choices for your little one stressing you out? We like to see you happy. Here’s an easy option to prepare your baby’s personalised nutritional food chart.



Here are simple ready-made solution for you.Check our baby food products for 1 year babies.


Hello Moms!


Your baby has completed one year? Congratulations, parents! Along with your baby, you have achieved an important milestone as well. It has been one year since your bundle of joy arrived and your world has never been the same again. You know what we mean!

By now, you have a fair understanding of basic necessities of parenting : when to feed, when to put to sleep, when to entertain, when to bathe your baby etc, amongst other things. If you have introduced solids at 6 months, you also begin to see if you child is curious to experiment with flavours or not. Now, at the first birthday, it’s time to gear up to see many more “firsts” in the year ahead.

Milestones at 1 year

In the amazing 12 months since birth, your baby has had an incredible journey of growth and development. Let’s now see what milestones babies achieve at 1 year of age.

Growth Milestones:

Most babies at 1 year would have tripled their birth weight, which is indicative of the growth spurt they experience in the first 12 months. In height, they grow about 10 inches from birth. Their weight gain pattern slows down after one year due to the increase in movements and activities.

Communication Skills:

Most babies can say “Mama” and “Papa” at this age and have an rapidly expanding vocabulary from thereon. They understand when being spoken to and may even respond with a “No” if they are not keen to follow your instruction. Though they become more social, they may display a preference of certain individuals over others. Becoming shy or anxious in the presence of strangers is fairly common at this age.


Motor Skills:

At 1 year, babies can stand unassisted and some even start taking their first few steps. They learn to eat with their fingers and can do activities such as turning the pages of a book. They can grasp, move and stack objects using their hands.

Sleep Habits:

A welcome change is in the sleep habits of babies when they turn 1. They sleep better through the night and are ready to drop their morning nap. However, they may still need their afternoon nap to last through a day.

Eating Habits:

One year also indicates the time to change the food habits of your little one. It’s time to reduce breast milk/formula milk to increase the solid meals on a daily basis. It is helpful to both mother and baby to gradually drop one breast milk/formula milk feeding session at a time.


Tips to help wean baby from breastfeeding

When your baby turns one, you may decide to wean him/her off breastmilk. Gradually cutting down on the number of times you breastfeed your baby through the day is a right start to completely weaning your baby. The night time nursing is generally the last to be dropped.


Here are some tips to help wean your baby.

  • Replace a breastfeeding session with a snack and whole milk instead.
  • Shorten the nursing sessions gradually.
  • Avoiding sitting with your baby in familiar nursing positions or nursing places in your house. This helps to avoid triggering breastfeeding memories in the baby.
  • Introduce a sippy cup to drink whole milk. Making sure the sippy cup is colourful and fun helps in keeping the baby engaged.
  • Change bedtime routines, if that helps in distracting the baby from nursing.
  • Allow dad/ grandparent to take over bedtime duties temporarily, if you find weaning your baby is getting tougher.

Most importantly, remember to take it slow. It is a huge change for your baby as well as you. Commit to weaning your baby only when you are completely ready for it.

By GrandMa 1 year baby food chart

So you decide to wean your baby. How do you intend to meet his/her nutritional needs that was being met by breastmilk previously? Thankfully, you can rely on the By GrandMa 1 year baby food chart.

Now that you know what to give your baby once they turn a year old, a few things to keep in mind are:

  • Introduce colour and variety in meals. This keep the little one engaged in the dining process.
  • Do not worry excessively about the quantity of food consumed. Your baby may not always finish all portions of food laid out for him/her.
  • Ensure food is always well cooked and is provided in bite sized pieces. You do not want food to become a choking hazard.
  • Do not provide food in puree form. Babies one year and upward can work their jaws and teeth to grind food and swallow it.
  • Getting rid of the feeding bottle also helps in turning the baby’s attention towards solid food.

A word of caution to watch out for allergic reactions, if any. Contact your pediatrician if you suspect any allergic food reactions.


Why you should avoid purees after 1 year

After one year, it is generally recommended to avoid food in puree consistency for babies. (Unless recommended otherwise by the pediatrician due to any medical reason). This allows the baby to develop chewing and swallowing skills. Your baby will indicate his/her readiness to move to solids and finger foods. These indicators could be transferring food from one hand to the other or by moving mouth in chewing motion etc. Eventually, it also helps the child self-feed.


Tips to feed 1 year old baby

In conclusion, we provide you some tips to feed your 1 year old baby

  • Aim to provide a balanced meal over one whole day. Ie. If breakfast is a carbohydrate-high meal, then lunch should have proteins and vegetables as a primary component. This helps in bringing variety to the meal cycle. In addition, any missed out nutrition component can be included during snack time.
  • Snack time should include healthy snacking food items like fruits, not store-bought biscuits or sweets. (There’s plenty of time for that later!)
  • Allow for more time between meals. This helps babies eat more readily during meal times.
  • Let them feed themselves – it might be messy, but it is sure to keep the baby engaged in the meal.
  • In the variety of food you introduce, include food consumed by the adults at home. Your baby may surprise you by liking the slightly spicy or tangy taste. However, do ensure the food is well cooked.
  • As often as possible, eat together as a family. This helps the baby observe other members of the house during meal times.

As they grow older, allow children to be part of food choices at home. Checking for their preferences makes them feel more involved in the dining experience.

Another important tip: Try not to obsess over the weight of your baby. (Moms might think it is easier said than done, but we strongly urge you to try it). If your baby is healthy and active, you do not have to worry about him/her not meeting the weight milestones. Every child is unique and as long as your child is consistent in his/her growth curve, you can put your mind at ease.

Check our latest catalog of baby food products.