In this Article

1. Introduction
2. What Is Baby Bath Powder?
3. What Kind Of Baby Bath Powders Are Good For Babies
4. Tips To Use Baby Bath Powder
5. How To Use Baby Bath Powder?
6. Why Use ByGrandma Baby Bath Powder For Your Little One?

Baby Bath Powders : A baby’s skin is delicate and highly susceptible to infections. Thus, it must be kept clean. When it comes to bathing your baby, you cannot use the same soap as you use for yourself. Soaps available in the market contain chemicals and additives that can be harmful to a baby’s skin. A better alternative- baby bath powder!

What Is Baby Bath Powder?

Baby bath powder is a cleansing agent that can be traced back to a number of Ayurvedic texts. This powder is made with natural ingredients that have cleansing as well as therapeutic benefits. It contains no chemicals and hence is safe for everyone. 

What Kind Of Baby Bath Powders Are Good For Babies

When choosing a bath powder for babies, you must look carefully at the ingredients on the label. Ideally, the bath powders should be 100% herbal and be home-made. It should be free from all chemicals and synthetic additives. It is also important to note that not all bath powders are suitable for a baby’s skin. This is why ByGrandma offers two different types of bath powders- one for adults and one for infants.

Try our Baby & Adult Bath Powder for all skin types


ByGrandma Bath Powder for babies contains many different herbal ingredients. These herbal ingredients don’t just clean and moisturise a baby’s skin, they have ingredients with anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. The sprouted moong bean is the main cleansing agent. This also acts as a gentle exfoliator. One of the other main ingredients is neem leaves. Bathing with neem leaves protects the skin from bacterial and fungal infections. Another important ingredient is sweet flag. This herb is known for its ability to protect your baby from coughs, colds & flu. It even keeps insects away and prevents pesky bites. The turmeric in it also protects the skin from infections. In summer, the khus grass in it can keep your baby cool.

Tips To Use Baby Bath Powder

A baby bath powder is very easy to use. It is also travel-friendly and thus can go with you on all your travels. Babies generally enjoy bath-time but to make it a more ‘fun’ experience, here are a few tips:

1.Keep the water ready

Before you get your baby ready for a bath, fill his tub with water to the appropriate level, measure out the amount of bath powder required and make sure the water is warm. Only after this, bring your baby into the bathroom.

2.Give your baby bath toys

Toys are a great way to keep your baby amused while you bathe him. Your baby is likely to put these toys in his mouth so make sure they are clean and non-toxic.

3.Use only as much bath powder as needed

Unlike soap, bath powder does not create a lather. Hence, using more than the necessary amount of bath powder will not help create a lather. However, using too much bath powder may irritate your baby’s skin. Hence, only use the amount mentioned. Also, for the same reason, do not bathe your baby more frequently than required. 

4.Wipe your baby’s skin with a soft towel

Once your baby has been bathed, you should ensure his skin is dry before clothing him.. Use a soft towel and pat the skin dry. Do not rub the skin as it could irritate it.

How To Use Baby Bath Powder?

To use a baby bath powder, put a little powder on your palm. Add a few drops of water to make a paste. Pour water over your baby’s skin and then use this paste to cleanse the skin. Rinse off with more water. When doing so, ensure that there is no residual powder accumulated in the folds of the skin. 

Why Use ByGrandma Baby Bath Powder For Your Little One?

When families lived together in a joint family system, everything that was used for a baby was typically made at home. This included baby bath powders. Today, a young mother may not be able to do so and may not have the support to help her make it. Hence, mothers are dependent on store-bought bath powders. ByGrandma baby bath powder is available online as well as in departmental stores. Shopping online is extremely convenient as the product will be delivered to your doorstep.ByGrandma priorities a baby’s health and well-being over its bottom line. Because of this, ByGrandma uses only the best quality herbal raw ingredients and ensures that there are no synthetic additives in its baby bath powder. Every ingredient used in this bath powder is picked for its therapeutic benefits. To do so, each product is made in small batches. This gives us better control over quality and helps maintain the high standards expected of the brand. Do you want your baby to have healthy, glowing skin? Order your stock of ByGrandma Baby Bath Powder today!